Top ranked special educational needs solicitors
We are highly specialist education (SEN) solicitors with considerable experience in helping hundreds of families get the extra help and support required for their children with special educational needs and disabilities.
We pride ourselves on achieving the best possible results for our clients, using a combination of legal, practical and medical expertise. We tailor our service to each case, and have built a reputation for working sensitively with:
- Families, including Trustees
- Other solicitors
- Case managers
- Experts
- Local authorities and schools (mainstream, special and maintained or non-maintained/ independent).
Our aim is always to get the Special Educational Needs assistance and change required as quickly as possible, without unnecessary hearings, and with minimal disruption to children and busy parents' lives.
We know that parents have a tough job to do, and we are on their side. This means that we never ever work for or accept instructions from local authorities on special educational needs matters.
If your child has been injured as a result of a medical accident or negligence by a health care professional our medical negligence team can help get compensation through making a medical negligence claim. This will enable an injured child (and their family) to get the support and assistance they require outside of school as well as at home. Through our Court of Protection team, we are also able to help manage medical negligence compensation awards to maximise the benefit to children and their families.
I am so happy at the outcome, I don't think we would have had such a comprehensive service from any other law firm, and you took the worry away...I do not regret a single second of the whole process, apart from the bit before you got involved.
James' mother, Boyes Turner client
Contact our expert specialist education solicitors today for support with your claim